Cultivation of Potted Lemon Balm

One of the most valued for its beneficial properties, lemon balm can be part of your crops with a balcony, and you will benefit both their beauty and their recognized indications.

cultivation of potted the lemon balm

Also known as Melissa, by its characteristic lemon aroma, this variety comes from the central and southern Europe and from very far away was used as a calming of nervousness.

Its soothing qualities are most well known: in states of stress, insomnia and anxiety, but has also been used to relieve nervous palpitations, muscle spasms, digestive problems and pain.

It is a plant of temperate and rather humid, and is grown in sun or light shade. Calls moderate irrigation and better soil for planting is to provide good drainage so as not to stagnate. A good potting mix is the resultant of two parts garden soil, a sand and compost.

The best way to seed for this species is the indirect prepare seed in late winter, then transplant them when they have reached about 10 cm. Also known as Melissa, by its characteristic lemon aroma, this variety comes from the central and southern Europe and from very far away was used as a calming of nervousness.

Its soothing qualities are most well known: in states of stress, insomnia and anxiety, but has also been used to relieve nervous palpitations, muscle spasms, digestive problems and pain.

lemon balm

It is a plant of temperate and rather humid, and is grown in sun or light shade. Calls moderate irrigation and better soil for planting is to provide good drainage so as not to stagnate. A good potting mix is the resultant of two parts garden soil, a sand and compost.

The best way to seed for this species is the indirect prepare seed in late winter, then transplant them when they have reached about 10 cm. Are advised to pay attention to the emergence of weeds, and emerge just delete them.

Plants ideal for dry garden

In a previous seen some general questions about dry gardens. This time we focus on plants suitable for gardens.

plants ideal for dry garden

As we know, the Mediterranean flora is the option to be considered for these cases, as they adapt easily to hot dry climates. There are a variety of plants of this type, which provide color and life to our garden.

plants for dry garden

Rated few suggestions:

"The citrus fruit trees They do not need large amounts of water are pretty and perfumed garden. Ideal!

"Khaki and Plum: Two classics of sustainable gardening. Have any other? Olivos, maple, acacia, poplar, the cycas, elm, the Araucaria, cedar and banana.

dry garden

-Mediterranean shrubs shall offer a special touch to the garden without worrying too much about them. Examples include the bougainvillea and oleander. For its part, the bignonia, the azalea and the crown also produce flowers, but ask for more water.

plants in dry garden

plants garden

"Rosemary and Thyme: These two plants are grateful. Do not ask for water and scent the garden beautifully.

Potted plants, tips

Everything has a secret and following some basic guidelines, believe me you have nothing to envy to the traditional gardens, whether for reasons of space or housing type, your entire production "green" can be grown in pots. Here's a handy primer for always have on hand:

Potted plants

One of the biggest problems of the pots is the subject of drainage. My suggestion to keep the drainage holes free: at the bottom of the pot, on / the holes, you should always Canyon gravel, balls of clay mixed with bits of songs or broken stones.

Potted a plant

Remember that while potted plants require good substrates, it is not advisable to use such land as garden directly, since you run the risk that the clay is compacted and fungi and bad also suggest you invest in buying that.Te substrates prepared to those who mix elements of sand and good drainage as explained above.

flower on the Potted

There are excellent materials to mix with the substrate, such as coconut fiber and / encourage aeration and water retention. If you do not find these materials, works fine river sand with very thick edges whenever the wash properly. The final touch: the area I suggest a layer of gravel on the land. Among other benefits prevent splashing in rain and heavy irrigation.


Some Basic tools for the garden and orchard

The fixture used to harvest onions double wheel hoe our garden, can also be used for loosening onions, beets, turnips and other vegetables from the garden. It can also be used to cut spinach and to discover plant pests. To take deep root vegetables, like carrots or parsnips, you can use the hand mite to the sides of the plant. To pick fruit on large trees, you can use to grab fruit powered by wires, which has seized on a long rod tip his hand. However, with the modern method of using low-crowned trees, this implement is not required. Another type of garden articles used at the time of pruning can be a good, sharp knife and a pair of gardening shears, which can be enough to do the job.

garden and orchard

Another article also used is one that maintains right to the plants. They may be poles, wires, trellises, etc.. So all, very little attention is given to them, because with the proper storage during the winter not only will last for years, but also add a great look to the garden.

Plants to boost fertility

Between 10% and 20% of couples take more than a year to get pregnant. Ovulatory problems are the second leading cause of female infertility after blockages in the fallopian tubes. Now a study from Harvard University (USA), conducted with more than 18,000 women has found that a multivitamin increases the chances of pregnancy in such cases. In addition to nutritional supplements, some herbs can help regulate hormonal cycles and promote the concept. The most beneficial are often "Weeds" the garden, rich in phytochemicals rejuvenating effects on cells. These are the most used:

Nettles (Urtica dioica). They are loaded with vitamins, minerals and other elements capable of enhancing the hormonal system and rejuvenate the uterus. In addition to an infusion or capsules can be taken as a vegetable or tortilla.

Wild Oats (Avena sativa). It is a balm for the nervous system which is used in infertility as to alleviate the depression (which, by itself, reduces the chances of conceiving). In addition to toning the uterus, also has aphrodisiac effects, which promotes relations and increases the chances of becoming pregnant.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). Rich in minerals this "weed" present in the gardens is a perfect ally liver helps regulate hormone production and promotes pregnancy.

Dong quai (Angelica sinensis). It is native to eastern helps strengthen the uterus and increases blood flow to reproductive organs. Should be taken only from the first day of the period until the beginning of ovulation (as it can cause uterine contractions).

Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa). It is one of the most concentrated sources of plant steroids between their properties and set to synthesize sex hormones. Has aphrodisiac effects.

Chasteberry (Vitex agnus chastus). Hippocrates recommended for disorders of the uterus. Today is used to treat premenstrual syndrome, symptoms of menopause and fertility problems. You should consume at least three consecutive months.

Create a garden pond

In the garden of your house is the undisputed star of vegetation. However, more and more people opt to install a small pond where water and nature are founded to offer a unique landscape of unique beauty. Besides decorating, the water will cool the atmosphere of your little garden.

In this report we suggest building your own water space. This is a simple task that you perform yourself without spending large sums of money. Follow the steps below and we provide you with in a short time you can have a small pond at home.

Preliminary considerations
Before you go out to work will have to organize their work. Take pen and paper and draw your garden located and where appropriate, each of the plants that live there. Then, says the area occupied by the pond and within that outlines how to take the raft.

Once ready, you must purchase the necessary materials:

* Rope, the measure will be somewhat greater than the perimeter you thought for your pond.
* Pala.
* Manta EPDM Giscolene of Giscosa.
* Scissors.
* Irregular stones to mark the raft.
* Piquette.
* Hammer.

In your pond, as well as introducing aquatic plants, you may include some goldfish. In any case, it is important that you consider the depth. The plant requires between 20 and 25 cm. background, except the water lilies, which will require about 45 cm, while animals evolve, usually to 50 cm. surface, thus requiring 60 cm. If you're going to combine these options, various terraces have to leave that all can live and survive.

Starts work
The process will continue to develop our pond is the same used in the construction of large dams. On a smaller scale in your garden have a beautiful and original "mini lake" designed for yourself.

First, it defines the perimeter with the help of the string (note the first image). The rectangular shapes are simpler, but it all depends on your talent and your talent. Then use the shovel to dig inside (pictures 2 and 3). Recalls the need to leave if they did lack terraces. Once you've removed all the earth, removing pebbles or rocks and cover holes, the surface should be smooth and continuous.

create a garden pond

Extends Giscolene sends rubber so that it covers the whole pond. Adapt it to the contours. It should be part of the membrane on the outside. Use stones or objects that hold weight to provisionally (picture 4). Fill the reservoir up to half, the blanket will be taking the final form, just as seen in the fifth frame. Place the plants you have chosen and ends to fill the pond. Coming to the end, cut from leftover edges Giscolene and sets the membrane to the ground with pickaxes. Finish decorating the pond perimeter bounds the stones, installing light bulbs, introduced fishes ...

Giscolene EPDM membrane of Giscosa
This material provides adaptability, flexibility and durability in building and maintaining a pond. Its use in agriculture and fish ponds, ornamental lakes, ponds and slurry alpechines, snowmaking ponds, irrigation canals and water reservoirs guarantee product quality.

The use of rubber as a core material of these insulation products has helped reservoirs installed in the 70 still in operation today and a long life ahead.
It should also be noted that the blanket Giscolene Friendly Fish is a good ally in ponds where they live aquatic species and facilitating their development and a longer life than other materials. Similarly, any Giscolene sheet has been made non-toxic, so you can live safely with animals.

The impermeable membrane can be achieved in building materials stores. In them, we will find exhibitors with different widths: the length is cut according to our needs up to 20 m. to facilitate handling and performance of work.

The largest flower in the plant kingdom

I like to share these curiosities of nature, linked of course to our affinity in common: flowers, gardens and gardening.

Here is a curious plant, which due to the size of the flower that you see in the image taken from, has earned the reputation of possessing "the world's largest flower. The scientific name for this species and was discovered by the team confirmed ago by Dr. Sir Stamford Raffles and the naturalist Joseph Arnold.


His lineage (or genetic kinship with other species, to put it more clearly), has been the subject of some controversy over several centuries. The reason is that their lifestyle is a parasite (not own roots or leaves), but with the peculiarity of being a parasite incapable of photosynthesis itself.

plant kingdom

A professional team of Harvard University, the University of Southern Illinois, the Smithsonian Institution and the University of Wisconsin, conducted extensive studies, under the coordination [on general senior researcher Charles C. Davis.

Asmobrará I know they have found certain genetic relationships, with species as diverse as the Poinsettia, Castor and the Higuereta or rubber trees.


types of roses

the types of roses

kind roses


Speaking of the Rose is talking about the favorite flower for Humanity, the most widely grown and, for many, the most beautiful.

They are so widely used and known not to do many presentations. Know their infinite varieties, the flowers, colors, scents, stories, evocative details ... It's an exciting world. There are even people so enthusiastic that they may create their own varieties of roses.

La Rosa has been made throughout history to intense selection and hybridization with the objective of creating new varieties and forms. The plant is more "worked" there.

They are classified more than 30,000 varieties or cultivars in the world. Each year there are hundreds new. Of the more than 30,000 varieties, are available between 2,000 and 3,000.

Azolla (water fern)

Genus comprised of seven species of aquatic ferns, the only genus of the family Azollaceae. They are floating aquatic plants, small leaves with short roots. Divided fronds whose color ranges between red and purple in full sun and pale green to bluish green in the shade. It grows very fast and is ideal to cover the surface.


Helps control the development of algae by limiting the availability of light. Requires sun or light shade. They float on the surface of the water by numerous small, closely overlapping scale-like leaves, with their roots dangling in the water. Form symbiotic relationships with the cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae, which gives the plant the ability to fix nitrogen from the air.

Azolla (water fern)

The carolianiana Azolla, blue green algae stored in their leaves. These algae are capable of absorbing nitrogen from the air, which can then be used by the plant.

water fern)

water fern Azolla

She has become a threat to all parts of the tropics, because it covers lakes and deprives the original aquatic plants of light. They are planted in early summer, leaving it on the surface if the water does not touch dry. Multiplication Division kills or side shoot.

Angraecum, Tea of the island of Bourbon

Scientific name or Latino: Angraecum spp.


Common or usual name: Angraecum, Tea of the island of Bourbon

Angraecum of bourbon


Orchidaceae (Orchidaceae).

Angraecum tea of bourbon


Most species are distributed in tropical Africa and Madagascar and some remote species through Southeast Asia, but also found in the archipelagos of the Comoros, Seychelles and Mascarenes.

They are found from sea level to a height of about 2000 m partial shade and moist forest regions.

Angraecum tea of bourbon


The name refers in Malay Angraecum their appearance similar to Vanda.

Genus of about 221 species of epiphytic orchids and some Lithophyte.

Leaves from 10 to 50 cm long, imbricate fan-shaped, linear, oblong and rather rigid.

The flowers are long-racemose, and grow from the axils of the leaves.

They are mostly white, but few are yellow, green or ocher.

Fragrant at night. Last 1 to 2 months.


Experience over 10 years in a greenhouse climate.

Its culture is fairly simple.

Cultívela as hanging plant.


Very bright but not direct sun (only tolerated during the winter). Exhibition shaded in summer.


Spray the foliage at least once a day during the summer taking care that no water remains stagnant in the insertion of the leaves.

In winter it is sufficient to 60% humidity.


1.2 weekly watering (watering when the pot is lighter note).

With no pseudobulbs, are sensitive to drought.


Apply a balanced fertilizer (or orchids) every 15 days from late winter until late autumn, and every 20 days in winter (December and January in the northern hemisphere). Dilute the fertilizer twice that given by the manufacturer.

Change of pot:

Every 2 years at most, when new roots appear.


Every 3 years, in spring.


For separation of tillers in robust specimens. Rooted if replanted in place of warmth and high humidity.

How to Keep Green Plants

Find other items related to How to keep green plants in our Home section

The plant decoration in our home and our workplace are very important for reasons of aesthetics, and good health in the event that everything that has life generates life, which is why we must always be attentive to is very important to ornamental plants in our workplaces or our room house.

Plants usually when they are green, do not require much care but be awaiting them at least once a week, if the plants need other types of care, in this case we must ask the place they were purchased.

green plants

For a special and effective care in our plants to keep in mind several things, including how much water needed per day, days, or weeks, this so as not to drown them with too much water or else we die from lack of it, There are plants that live in rooms without sunlight, but there are other plants that need sun to get any time of day, if this were the case it is advisable to bring them to the sun in the morning, there are plants that should beware of the wind in even the rain, since depending on their nature may die soon.

It is important to know how much water they need any of them, remember that we must cut off damaged leaves when plants are pruned long stem is the same, lest they lose their original form, we must also know what kind of flower pots need, because otherwise, if you use a small potted plant is large, possibly happen is to begin to crack and damage the vessel.

Decorate with plants such as pond

The ponds can be of varying sizes and shapes, so you can adapt to almost any garden. Gives us the possibilities are endless this embellishment.

Decorate plants

Why decorate a pond with plants?

Ponds, gardens bring to where you are locked in a variety of colors and the possibility to enjoy different textures, as the plants that we put in them can not be placed on the floor. To qualify for these benefits, we should encourage us to play with creativity and imagination. A pond decorated with grace, is only one object that afeará our beautiful garden.

Decorate plants

Plants to decorate a pond
Some plants that we will be very useful to decorate this area so special are the following.

Elephant's ear, the water lettuce and water hyacinth, are plants that grow quickly, require little care and float naturally. The only thing to keep in mind with these species is to monitor their growth to keep the right size to place.

Plants such as pond

Squid Water Lily and Yellow without ideal for borders, as it gives a touch of color and a nice end to these places.

The Bricio oxygenates the water, so a plant that is always recommended to put in ponds of water. If the area where you live there is no plant in this example, another question which can be used to fulfill the same function.

Plants as pond

The water lilies and lotus flower are ideal for areas of the pond deeper. Besides being beautiful, they control the growth of algae. These plants are placed in unamaceta, if the water covers them because they are small, the pots are raised brick or some other object and as the plants grow are falling.

Suggestions for the pond

* The ground around the pond, usually very wet, so if you put plants in this area must be suitable for this type of soil.
* The pond is an integral part of the garden, so we must take care that their combination is carried out in the pond is in harmony with the rest of the garden.
* Already set, we must not forget he's, like any garden, you will need maintenance. If we do not, giving a very bad ending point where the industry is ready.
* It is best to locate the pond in a place where they do not obstruct the free passage of persons.
* The depth and size of the pond will depend on the species you want to place and space available to us.

Decorate with Plants

If the idea is to place fish, the pond must be large enough so that fish can develop smoothly.
The plant decoration in our home and our workplace are very important for reasons of aesthetics and good health, for everything that has life generates life, which is why we must always look for is an important ornamental plants in our workplaces or our home.

Green Plants

The plants are usually green when not required but must be very careful eye on them at least once a week if the plants need other care, in this case you should ask the place where they were purchased.

the Green Plants

For a special and effective care in our plants we must consider several things, including how much water needed per day, days, or weeks, this to not choke on too much water or that we were dying for lack of it, There are plants that live in rooms without the need of the sun's rays, but there are other plants that need sun at any time of day, if this were the case it is advisable to remove the sun in the morning, there are plants should take care of the wind in even the rain, since depending on its nature may die soon.


It is important to know how much water they need any of them, remember that we must cut and damaged leaves when plants are long-stemmed must prune it, so you do not lose their original form, we must also know what kind of Maset needed because if not, if you use a small flowerpot and the plant is large, which may happen is that it starts to crack and damage the vessel.

A colorful garden in 10 steps

When you buy a plant light FGW comes with a very extensive manual operaracion with valuable information on how to keep your plant in optimal light conditions FGW. It is important that the person responsible for the operation of the team have access to this information. I recommend that a copy is placed inside the room where it is installed in the cabin of the plant light.

Some things are obvious but often do not cause and can not light up the plant when you need it and in extreme cases can cause damage to your computer.

Most of the plants of light FGW the maintenance interval is every 500 hours for oil and filter change but within this period is important for the operator to make regular reviews of the team.

Before anything make sure you review or the room or area where it was installed plant light FGW is clean!

If the room is not clean can hardly see or detect fluid leaks in the equipment. Check for Cartons, bags or other objects can be sucked by the team and to obstruct the flow of air when the team is working on and make you hot ..

On the computer it is necessary to review the following points.

Review the level of fuel in the tank and fuel:

This seems obvious but it is critical that they see the fuel level in the tank. It is very common that as the plant is not used daily light take someone "borrowed" the fuel for something else and do not replace or fuel without leaving much less than they charged. There is nothing worse than find out when a power outage. FGW light plants come with a fuel level indicator on the tank base where you can check the level.

When loading of fuel and the revisions during a review that does not have water fuel. Water is a mortal enemy of the injection equipment. Within a few hours of use can damage components such as injection pump or nozzles that are very costly.

Reviewing the oil level and quality:

Although the oil is changed every 500 hours it is important that the oil level at the correct level. If the oil level is too low can damage the engine due to lack of lubrication. If the level is too high may cause leakage of the seals of the engine.

The manual indicates the exact type of oil to be used at different temperatures. The oil quality is critical because it takes a change intervals and oil filter based on that quality. If the lower quality leads to degradation and not have to lubricate the engine. You must use common sense in applying this plant light.

Assuming oil change every 500 hours it is in normal working conditions. If there is a lot of dust or contamination should be taken into account and reduce service intervals.

Review the coolant and the coolant level:

You can check the coolant level by removing the radiator cap. If the radiator tubes are very low level and this must be filled. Reviewing the radiator cap to see if in good condition and properly sealed. The rate of cooling is critical as this may create corrosion of the radiator and other components such as water pump is not used right. When you check the level if the door is corrosion is a clear indication that the coolant is not correct.

Review the level of electrolyte in the battery and ensure that this position.

The biggest reason for not starting the plants of light per battery is dead. This failure is more common and many times is that the team has long been lost and the battery stopped charging. The control panel Power Wizard 1.0 FGW indicates battery level and low level alarm batteries. However it is important that the battery electrolyte is sufficient to maintain the load. Take the opportunity to review the battery terminals are not corroded.

It is always advisable to use a battery charger to maintain the level of the battery when turned off. If you have installed make sure the charger is connected to and charge the battery.

Indoor flowering plants

Many outdoor flowering plants such as miniature roses, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums and azaleas, can be carried inside, where, with irrigation and adequate light, flowery stay for a week or more. But over time the flowers wilt and the plants were returned to lead the outside or are discarded.

However, some plants grow well indoors year-round and bloom repeatedly. Here's some of the best:

The tail cat (Acalypha hispida) produce bud-like tail cat, hairy, long and red hanging from the ends of the branches. Grow best under the intense light and high humidity, ideal for sunny windows in the kitchen.

Bromeliads are plants tubular, succulent produce high spikes of dazzling flowers. There are many types to choose from, some with brightly colored foliage. Growing under light tension and indirect loose soil that is kept on the dry side. Some are epiphytes (grow naturally in the bark of trees) and can be grown on pieces of wood, cork and dry branches.

African violets (Saintpaulia) are plants with delicate leaves and beautiful hair bud clusters of white, red, pink and violet. Prefer indirect light, moisture and fertilization regular uniform.

The Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera) is a plant that falls in the form of pendants cascading with succulent branches and the tips are bright red-pink bud near Christmas. Flowers best with indirect light and the nights long and cold in November. Fertilize and water regularly.

The spathiphyllums, sometimes known as peace lilies, are a thriving indoor plants more reliable. Leaves shiny, dark green bud are topped with striking bright white with intense tropical feeling. Some types are small plants, only one or two feet (0.30-0.60 m), others can reach 6 feet (1.8 m). The higher the floor, the larger will be the bud. Flourishes best under the glare indirect but grow well under low light. Water regularly and fertilize often.

How to grow indoor flowering plants

Each plant has its own burgeoning domestic requirements when it comes to bloom, but most grow best in indirect light as you can find near (but not directly under the sun) in a window facing west or south. Keep plants away from cold drafts and keep the vigorous growth with regular watering and fertilization.