Scindapsus Aureus

The Scindapsus aureus, also popularly known as Pothos is one of the most popular plants, whether suspended or climbing. Its enormous power adjustment allows it to adapt to domestic environments with a full guarantee.
Scindapsus Aureus

Among the different presentations with which you can find the Scindapsus aureus is the tray. These are pots with decorative brackets, designed to be easily suspended immediately.
Aureus scindapsus

Once at home, as we said, simply look for a place to suspend or simply leave them on a shelf or on a saillie.À from that time, the Pothos will grow and fill in the blanks with its elegant stems and decorative sheets. Its stems usually reach 25 to 50 centimeters per year within the house according to the vitality of the plant.

Care to be taken are those of habit and it will only take care to guide its long stems to these areas that are considered the most aesthetically pleasing to the place.
scindapsus aureus in the out home

You can also use the pruning of some branches that have forced more than what we wanted. In such a case, we need to take into account that it will grow mainly from the last bud left. So we advise you to cut the branch closest to the tray or area in which it is to grow again. It is also advisable to carry out pruning in stages over time and not all its branches at a time. The bud grows stronger that way.
scindapsus aureus in the vessel

Similarly, we must be careful during the re-guidance of its branches as they become a little fragile with age. Once this is done, it will not be worried by the direction of the leaves a bit since more than one day, they will move themselves back to the main source of light.

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