Bee Flora

Bee FloraPollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anthers (male part) to the stigma (female part) of the flowers, allowing the fertilization of the flower and subsequent future development. To better understand the plant-bee, it is necessary to know the parts and functions of the flower.
In a typical flower, we find pieces that are named calyx, corolla, nectary, and androcele ginocele (stamens).

Chalice, formed by sepals, is part of the flower usually green. It is the base of the flower. The corolla is made up of petals, which are colored.

These two parts of the flower, the calyx and the corolla, are attractive and ornamental feature of great importance to attract the bees.

The nectary secretes a sugary liquid called nectar. The bees collect the nectar, dehydrated in the hive and make it into honey.

Androcele is the male organ of the flower, composed of the stamens which are formed by the stamens and anthers. In the anthers are produced pollen grains that bees collect for food, as the main protein source.

The ginocele is the female organ of the flower, consisting of the pistils, which are formed by the stigma, style and ovary. Inside the ovary are the ovules, which will originate the seeds.

There are two types of pollination: self-pollination and cross pollination.

Self-pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower to the stigma of the same flower or another flower of the same plant. In the latter case, self-pollination is also called direct or autogamous pollination.

Cross-pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower to the stigma of another flower of the same species, but separate plants. In this case the cross-pollination can also be called outcrossing. In nature, this kind of pollination is the most advantageous since it allows the formation of new genetic combinations that favors the formation of seeds, creating new plants more vigorous and productive. For this to occur, the plants develop some defense mechanisms, such as:

Monoecious, when the plant is unisexual flowers on the same individual.

Dioecy, when the plant is unisexual flowers on different individuals: protandry in the male organ and the first mature protogyny opposite is true.

Dichogamy, when the sexual organs of the same plant mature at different times: in the male organ protandry mature protogyny first and the opposite happens.

Heterostylous, when elements of the flowers, the stamens and pistils have different dimensions.

Self-sterility, when the flower is pollinated by its own pollen, but not fertilized.

In front of some defense mechanisms that plants have to avoid self-pollination, several pollinators that favor cross-pollination, with the wind, animals, water and insects.

Of all the insects are most important, mainly bees, which developed appropriate mechanisms in its evolution to become excellent pollinators, such as hair throughout the body, which favor the transport of pollen grains and its efficient communication system that allows indicate a bee jacket rapidly to all the other bees the location of a flower.

The plants in turn, to ensure the perpetuation of the species, also developed mechanisms to attract bees, such as:

Colors: Bees differ either yellow, green, blue and violet and are attracted to these colors.
Aroma: The bees are very sensitive to smell and easily trained to visit flowers with specific odors. It is customary to advise beekeepers to marinate some flowers of large plantations and mixed with syrup, which will be offered to feed the bees themselves, in order to train them to associate the smell of a particular food source.

Form: the shape of the flower helps to highlight it in the foliage and also favors the approach of the bee.

Nectar is the main attraction of the bee. It is located in the nectaries, which may be floral and extrafloral. These are found in the stem, leaf, petiole, etc.. and those inside the flower, inside the corolla at the base of the ovary, to attract bees and provide pollination of flowers. The secretion of nectar inside the flower starts at the time of flower opening and stops after fertilization.

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